
Incorporation and start-up
- Fiscal-economic-financial examination of the project
- Feasibility study with business plan
- Estimating the break-even point
- Choice of the type of company
- Legal structure analysis
- Incorporation of company
- Formalities (registrations - VAT, Chamber of Commerce, etc.)
- Preparation of statutes and company agreements
- Organisation of the administrative structure
- Tax planning

- Corporate accounting
- Accounting advice
- Statutory audit
- Auditing
- Legal certification
- Due diligence

Extraordinary services
- Company audits (accounts, customers, suppliers, taxes, etc.)
- Acquisitions and leasing of companies or corporate divisions
- Mergers
- Scissions
- Transfers of companies
- Disposals of company shares
- Transformations
- Liquidations
- Valuations of companies or corporate divisions
- Expert appraisals

Tax Advice
- Tax planning
- Direct and indirect taxation advice
- Sole shareholder companies, partnerships, sole traders, freelancers, casual workers
- Tax Forms 730 740 750-760-770, simplified and ordinary
- Ratings and industry studies
- IRAP returns
- Annual VAT returns and notices
- Form 770 withholding tax return, simplified and ordinary
- Declarations of intent forms
- Intrastat forms
- Blacklist forms
- IMU and TASI
- F24 delegations of payment

Tax advice and assistance
- Dispute analysis
- Dispute assistance and definition
- Preparation of appeals and memoranda
- Assistance in Tax Court
- Tax transactions
- Tax and social security debt instalment plans

- Preparing residential or commercial leases
- Basic legal and tax advice
- Registration of contracts with the tax authorities
- Advance renewal and resolution of contracts
- Indexation of figures for ISTAT

Management of companies in difficulty
- Assessment of areas for focus
- Historic analysis of company balance sheets and principal financial indices
- Corporate restructuring
- Crisis tools which are an alternative to bankruptcy
- Preparing a certified restructuring plan
- Debt restructuring agreements
- Preparing ISTAT figures for business continuity and protection of company assets
- Tax transactions to restructure tax debt of companies in difficulty under Article 182 ter of the Bankruptcy Law
- Company liquidations

Court proceedings
- Bankruptcies at the Court of Piacenza
- Expert witness at the Court of Piacenza




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